Friday, April 9, 2010

Law Review and Library Love

Today was a big day in any law student's life: the day I found out I made it onto Law Review.

Every since I was a little kid I always loved to read, and write, and dive into books.

As I got older I appreciated libraries more and more too, which is awesome, since for all intents and purposes this means I'll be spending a lot of time in one next year. And so without ado, some of my very favorites, all of which I hope to see in person sometime :)
Casanatense Library in Rome.

George Peabody Library in Baltimore, Maryland, not too far from me :)

Stiftsbibliohek Klosterneubrg, Klosterneuburg, Austria

Library of the Benedictine Monastery of Admont, Austria.
Evident lesson of the day: the Austrians know how to do libraries :)

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