Tuesday, April 13, 2010


It rained all day today. I woke up, and I could tell it was going to. I'm not one of those people who minds rain though. I find it kind of comforting.

I spent hours at school today; far longer than I meant to. I went to my Constitutional Law professor's office hours. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a mute. I just sit there and listen. But no harm ever came, I think, from listening. I'm starting to like him almost as much as I liked my Civil Procedure teacher, and that's no small feat.
Walking home, there were tulips :)

And I've had a fabulous night :) My current couchsurfer is my best one yet. She brought me dinner and had a really fascinating talk with me about her job in Afghanistan and what life is like there.

And the rain is softly hitting my window. What a great night.