Sunday, April 11, 2010

Paris at Night

Every so often I find myself missing Paris. But the Paris I miss is never Paris during the day- always during the night. Walking by the Eiffel Tower, and taking it for granted. It's so hard not to, when you live there, but now I know I might never see it again.
Cafes on every corner, always filled to bursting with waiters pouring wine like it was water.

Sacre Coeur in Montemarte.
Bridges, lending themselves to moonlight contemplation.
And always the Arc de Triomphe, with cars whizzing beneath it.


  1. Well, I feel the same way about Paris, except that I live here! Don't mean that I'm better than you, just mean you should get over here for once and for all by the sounds of it!!!

  2. I'm trying to get back there believe me :)
